The cultivation of saffron in Italy comes from a centuries-old tradition that began in mediaeval times, when the monk Santucci clandestinely brought some bulbs of Crocus Sativus to Navelli. The cultivation spread like wildfire, with the spice considered so precious that it was often even used as currency. Trade in saffron expanded to all of northern Europe.
Italian saffron is considered the best in terms of quality and purity, with packaging the stigmas considered the best guarantee for the consumer.

Saffron pistils are the precious dried stigmas of saffron collected and plucked in Cascina Facelli located in Bossolasco, a small and beautiful town in Alta Langa situated 750 metres above sea level.
The agricultural setting is healthy, far from sources of pollution and road arteries.
The packaging is carried out exclusively using whole stigmas to guarantee the quality and purity of the product.

Based on the analyzes performed by the LABORATORIO CHIMICO MERCIOLOGICO SEZIONE SARDEGNA, the results obtained conformed the criteria stated by the 1° Category ISO/TS 3632-1:2011

Massimiliano was born in a small village in the upper Val Bormida on 23rd November 1980.
After basic training at the Hotelier Institute in Finale, he graduated and decided to set out on a discovery of new worlds connected to food in the kitchens of Gualtiero Marchesi. It was there he discovered and fomented a real passion, seeing great chefs with important names, resulting in his complete devotion to cuisine.
This is a ‘nouvelle cuisine‘, one that is lighter, tasteful and also very pleasing to the eye.
He learned and strengthened his awareness of the uncultivated, the spontaneous, such as the herbs he uses generously in his dishes.
His great satisfaction came in 2013 upon receiving a number of highly positive reviews in Gambero Rosso and Guida dell’Espresso, and from Michelin that sees the Star high above Valle Bormida, shining light on an area still not so well-known.

- Finto risotto di patate, cardo gobbo e zafferano, gambero d’Oneglia e il suo fondo bruno
- Pansotti arrosto farciti di animelle di vitella, spugnole, cipolline all’aceto, acqua di patata, zafferano e prezzemolo appena germogliato
- Baccalà quasi cotto olio e zafferano, la sua pelle crisp, zucca agro e spinacino alla liquirizia
- Biancomangiare di capra
- Il mio torrone al cucchiaio